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List FBM

Ready to list your products as Merchant Fulfilled? Let's create FBM listings!

From the left menu, hover over List FBM and click List FBM from the menu.


In the Details section, choose the Fulfillment Type for your shipment: FBM (Fulfilled by Merchant).

Shipment & Origin

Under Shipment & Origin, choose or enter your Ship From address and Shipping Template.

To add a new Ship From Address, click Create new address and fill in the information.

Select a Shipping Template from the options you have set up in Seller Central. Shipping Templates help you control your shipping process, allowing you to adjust rates and delivery times depending on the buyer's location or shipping preference. For best practices, check out our blogpost: How to Create Shipping Templates

Note: Shipping templates must be created in Seller Central

Auto Pricing

Under Auto Pricing, you can click the toggle to configure a default list price that Boxem will fill in for you as you add products to a shipment. This feature can save you time and effort by automatically populating the list price for your products. Details can be found in this article: Auto-Fill List Price

Meta Data

Any selections you make in the Meta Data section will add fields for entering optional information as you add products to a shipment. You can select to enter Buy Cost, Supplier, and Date Purchased.

After making your selections, click + Create FBM Listing, and you're ready to list products!