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How to Resync Your Inventory

Boxem automatically updates your inventory when Amazon reports a change. For example, if you add a product to your inventory directly in Seller Central, Boxem will receive notice of this change and sync your inventory. This helps ensure accurate information is reflected as you add products to shipments or view/manage your inventory.

If you've made significant changes to your Inventory in Seller Central and wish to start fresh with your Inventory in Boxem, you have the option to resync your account with Amazon. However, it's important to note that this action will wipe all Amazon account-related data, although meta-data (buy costs, suppliers, dates purchased) entered for products will remain in our system. We advise resyncing your account with Amazon only when absolutely necessary to avoid any unintended data loss.

To resync your account with Amazon, click the account name on the left menu.

Select Settings.

Then, select Profile from the menu.

In the Danger Zone section, click Re-Sync with Amazon.

Note: This process may take several hours, depending on how much data needs to sync.